In the nineties there used to be a popular song by Tina Turner. The chorus of this song is what most of us occasionally sung, “what’s love got to do, got to do with it…?” And to be honest that same question still stands in our society today.

 “what’s love got to do, got to do with it…?” -Tina Turner

“what’s love got to do, got to do with it…?” -Tina Turner

The Bible reminds us that in such last days as these the love of many shall grow cold. We attest to this prophesy as we evidently see individuals murdering their own loved ones in cold blood and so many other unimaginable atrocities. It is in our time when the life of a human being is weighed against a few million shillings and in the end one’s life becomes the opportunity cost. What has become of our generation that we feel less concerned of the needs of our closest neighbors!

We live in a world that is hungry for love. I am not talking about a feeling that comes and goes, but an attitude that goes beyond mere words and physical attraction. What happened to those moments when communities declared their boundaries insecure because one particular person within the neighborhood was robbed of his property? Instead, in our modern times everyone seems to mind their own business and ignoring the concerns of others.

(Marco Longari/AFP) south africa xenophobic attacks.

(Marco Longari/AFP) south africa xenophobic attacks.

Abraham Lincoln once told his colleagues during the fight against slavery, “I pity a man who does not feel the whip when it is laid on another man’s back.” We are all caught up in a society that is so busy trying to figure out what the next fashion trends are, how to become millionaires and so many other things that it has become too difficult to imagine that millions of people are hurting and ready to blow their brains out because nobody seems to care at all. Our children have lost their way because gone are the days when the child was everyone’s child. The entertainment that has earned itself a first class ticket on our television screens is one filled with murder and violence to the extent that we have almost lost the sense of pain and concern when we see another fellow battered to death.

Today I want to take a pause and ask if we are truly committed to a world without borders as it has been echoed from time to time. Are we completely sold out to an HIV-free generation? Are we serious about living in a world with no war except peace and harmonious living? Then love has got a lot to do with this imagination. We cannot create a world without love and expect to rebuild this world into an empire of some sort where man has almost control of the universe in his hands. The Bible tells us of three great forces that operate on this earth; “faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE,”– 1 Corinth.13:13. Love is the foundation of a world where there is no pain, hurting or even worry. That is why I have hope of eternal life in heaven because this is a place where not even the world’s greatest suicide bombers can break in to disrupt the peace thereof. There is absolute peace; because God is love and He is the main architect of this place we call heaven.

In fact, the Bible tells us that the most excellent way of living is the way of love. 1 Corinth.13:1-3 outlines all the possible things we could ever do including the seemingly impossible, but without love, we gain nothing! Let us build a world whose solid foundation is LOVE.



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