imagePresident Ronald Reagan once told his son on his survival from assasination that, “I believe God spared me for a purpose. I want you to know that I’ve made a decision to recommit the rest of my life, and the rest of my presidency to God.” The former president of the United States of America reached that point in his life when he realised that it was no longer about him and that there was a bigger power than he was, and so he needed to surrender all to God Almighty.

All the chaos in all our world today indicates that we need a Savior. We greatly need salvation. But salvation from what? In his book “The Reason for my Hope: Salvation; W Publishing group, 2013)“, 95 year old Billy Graham wrote; “From our selfish and self-destructive selves. From the messes we get our selves into. From the sin that has haunted humanity from the beginning of time and the evil that pulls us down every day… If we don’t think we need salvation, we’re fooling ourselves… If we just don’t want to think about salvation, we’re putting ourselves in eternal peril.”

In 2002, research done by some scientists at Makerere university showed that an estimated 9 million Ugandans were living depressed lives. On 16th December 2014, Taliban Militants raided a school in Pakistan and killed 141 school children leaving hundreds of others wounded. With the development of nuclear power and the advacement in modern weaponry, this planet could end up in total annihilation at the hands of self-seeking individuals. A great number of parents I have met and spoken with have confessed being ruffled by new lifestyles that some of their children have adopted. These are characterised by sexual perversion, disobedience, indescent dressing and assumed independence. Despite numerous peace programs and organizations, our world is increasingly sinking into warfare day by day. It has been said that if combined the wealth of the top seven wealthiest individuals in the world could end poverty on this planet. However, would this be the end of man’s struggles, loneliness and misery? I don’t think so. I believe the suffering of our world is way deeper than physical needs; it is spiritual.


While appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show in 2007, Whitney Houston (RIP) revealed, ” I had the money, had the cars, had the house, had the husband, had the kid and nothing was that fulfilling. For a time I was happy, but I needed that joy… I needed that peace that passes all understanding.” John Stuart Mill, the most influencial english- speaking philosopher of the 19th century, also said, “It’s not because men’s desires are strong that they act ill. It is because their consciences are weak.” We need a Savior! No other human being, no matter how selfless or brave, can rescue us from the certainity of death. But that doesnot mean we can’t be saved, that we have no hope of rescue. It just means we need to be clear about who really saves us. Jesus Christ is the ultimate Savior that we need!

He makes all things new (Revelations 21:4-5). Millions of people are locked up in old traditions and past mistakes which has resulted into continued economic, social and spiritual stagnation in their lives and communities. But Christ can orchestrate a change even in such scenarios.

He gives rest and comfort for the troubled human soul (Matthew 11:28-29). Because our souls are created in His image, only He holds the copyright to the revival of our souls that are entangled in uncertainity of the future.

In a world divided by different ideologies and dogma, Jesus Christ presents love as the most conquring of all things (1Peter 4:8).

In such a despondent world, Christ not only offers a hope, but He is the Hope, Peace and Joy that we so desperately need. The absence of the fear of God in the hearts of men has resulted into increased lawlessness and wickedness in society. We may devise mechanisms to combat social problems such as HIV/AIDS, prostitution, theft, among others, but it is an issue of the heart and mindset. And it is the Holy Spirit that performs that performs the operation of regeneration.

We need a Savior, and Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the Savior that we ultimately need to make our world a better and safe place to live in.

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